The Delta supplies a large share of the water used in Southern
California and other parts of the state. A new plan proposes
dramatic changes to how water is moved from the Delta.
Most people are generally unaware of what lies beneath the
streets they travel on each day. Understanding the sub-surface
infrastructure is an important local government consideration.
In November 2012 the Legislature welcomed 39 new members, the
largest freshman class since 1966. In the Assembly, 69 percent
have local government experience.
State policies for achieving sustainability have staked much on
the success of cities. Yet the state’s recent actions signal a
lack of appreciation for the vital function cities serve as
In tough economic times expectations remain high for cities to
provide quality public services and facilities, though resources
to fund desired projects are scarce. One strategy for
While the past few years have presented major challenges for
cities, the events of 2012 included some bright spots as well.
This article presents an overview of the year’s legislative…
The Governmental Accounting Standards Board’s release of new
defined benefit pension standards could not have come at a better
time or a worse time, depending on one’s point of view.
High-tech tools are making it possible for cities to issue alerts
in real time to their communities, respond more quickly to
emergencies and maximize scarce resources.