
Affordable apartments in South Lake Tahoe
Article Local Works By Jackie Krentzman

City officials work to keep South Lake Tahoe afforda-blue

South Lake Tahoe’s housing stock is controlled by regional growth limits. That stock became even more limited in 2020, as white-collar workers freed from downtown office commutes in pricier regions moved to the area. Home prices and rent soared by double digits, displacing many longtime residents and seasonal workers.

A 5-over-1 residential building with ground-floor commercial space.
Article Features By Robert J. Landeros

Housing affordability has become a public service issue, with potentially devastating impacts

The high cost of housing has had repercussions on all aspects of life, including employee recruitment and retention. And while staffing shortages are impacting nearly every public service sector, they are potentially life-threatening for public safety.

Article Local Works By Jackie Krentzman

Santa Ana’s development renaissance captures national attention

Santa Ana has developed more affordable housing than any other city in Orange County. In fact, it’s on track to exceed its state-mandated housing goals for the second cycle in a row. But its most ambitious development is slated to open over the next decade.  

Article Local Works By Benjamin Garza

Backyard cottages are having a big impact in these two cities

Accessory dwelling units (ADUs) are easier to build than other housing units and blend seamlessly into the community. As a result, many cities are incentivizing ADUs to quickly increase housing — including Rosemead and Arcata. 

Article Local Works By Jackie Krentzman

Coachella is building its way to an energy-efficient future

Meeting the demand for housing can be a formidable task for California’s desert communities. On top of the usual challenges of cost, resources, and land availability, these cities must contend with relentless heat and accompanying energy costs exacerbated by climate change.

Article Features By Brian Lee-Mounger Hendershot

Hate campaigns are creating a ‘real legitimacy crisis’ says former Berkeley Council Member Rigel Robinson

At 27, Rigel Robinson’s political future was bright. His election to the Berkeley city council had broken barriers and his campaign for mayor won the endorsement of California Attorney General Rob Bonta. But earlier this year, he resigned, citing burnout and a long-running harassment campaign.

Article Local Works By Anthony Valdez 

Bakersfield, known for moving quickly to address California’s homeless crisis, has a simple message: More must be done

For the past two years, Bakersfield has had more homeless people living in shelter than those without shelter. Yet as is the case across California, Bakersfield is staring down an inflow crisis. For every six people placed in permanent housing locally, another ten become newly homeless. 

Article Legal Notes By Solange Z. Fortenbach and Stephen E. Velyvis

How could a new CEQA law impact your city’s infill housing projects?

AB 1633 (Ting) does not amend the California Environmental Quality Act. Instead, it clarifies that withholding approval of a housing development that otherwise meets the state’s environmental review law could be a violation of the Housing Accountability Act.

Article Local Works By Brian Lee-Mounger Hendershot

In this rural city, a ‘nothing off the table’ mindset gets housing built

California’s housing crisis stretches from one end of the state to the other. For many small cities, the odds often feel insurmountable. Huron — located in the state’s agricultural heartland — shows that progress is possible. Cities just can’t do it by themselves.

Article Special to Cal Cities By Rob Wilkins

2024 brings optimism and pessimism alike for affordable housing

Californians consistently cite affordable housing as one of their top concerns. Yet each year, the state falls further behind on its own housing production goals. In some respects, there is little reason to believe this will change any time soon. But there are also reasons to be optimistic.

Article California Cities Helen Putnam Award for Excellence By Edgar R. Garcia

Modesto creates a countywide system of care for youth experiencing homelessness

Success creates success, even for seemingly intractable issues. Modesto is at the forefront of a new system of care for homeless youth thanks to a strong public-private partnership. The city launched several related programs in recent years, including a navigation center and Homekey project for youth.

Article President’s Message By League of California Cities President Daniel Parra

Our housing crisis puts people one paycheck from precarity

The housing crisis in our communities is linked to our economic vitality. When residents are spending so much on housing that they can’t visit businesses, it puts a significant strain on the local economy. Low-income residents and communities of color are impacted the hardest.