Land Use and Planning


Land Use and Planning

Article Features

Before, During and After California Wildland Fires: The New Normal

Lessons from one of the worst fire years in California history.

Article Features by Charity Schiller

Newly Proposed CEQA Guidelines Are Coming to Your Town

Key facts and trends city officials need to understand.

Article Features by Yvonne Hunter

Planning Collaboratively For Extreme Heat Events

Extreme heat events now affect communities statewide and present resiliency planning challenges.

Article Features by Steve Sanders and Karalee Browne

Collaboration Helps Cities Become More Prosperous and Sustainable

Partnerships can help local communities attract investments that advance sustainability and boost local economies.

Article News from the Institute for the Local Government by Karalee Browne

Beacon Program Helps Cities Lead the Way to a More Sustainable State

The program helps local agencies reach aggressive state climate goals.

Article Features

Local Streets and Roads Awards Showcase Innovation

Cities and counties are using new technology to improve system efficiency and safety for motor vehicle drivers, bicyclists and pedestrians. These projects also reduce greenhouse gas emissions, thus helping to meet statewide goals designed to address climate change. And a safe, well-maintained and environmentally friendly local transportation system saves money over the long term for cities, counties and taxpayers.

Article News from the Institute for the Local Government by Steve Sanders

State Climate Investments Boost Local Communities

State programs aimed at solving climate change can also help cities tackle many of their other community priorities. The cap-and-trade program generates substantial revenue that the state invests to further reduce greenhouse gas emissions and achieve other community co-benefits.

Article City Forum by Melissa Kuehne

Task Force Report Helps Cities Address Homelessness

As national and state programs fall short of fully addressing this issue, California’s cities and counties are focusing on collaboration, cooperation and support at the local level to tackle homelessness.

Article Executive Director's Message Carolyn Coleman

Fighting Homelessness: Effective Strategies

A new report from the League and its partners showcases existing and emerging approaches that are having a positive impact on homelessness in California communities.

Article Legal Notes Jimmie Johnson

Lessons for Local Governments About ADA Lawsuits

A recent court decision offers clarification on which standards and regulations apply to which government

Article News from the Institute for the Local Government Steve Sanders

Resiliency Is Key to Managing the Risks of Climate Change

Over 2 million households in California are at high or extreme risk from wildfires, and cities statewide will have to step up their efforts in hazard mitigation, emergency planning and resilience.

Article Features Dan Carrigg

How SB 89 Harmed City Annexations — and Why Fixing It Makes Sense

Fixing annexations would restore previous incentives that support state policies advocating for compact growth and the related benefits of consolidating services for an increasing population.

Los Amigos Park Grants Residents’ Wishes in Rancho Cucamonga

The community and city collaborated to build a much-needed park.

Article City Forum Dustin Foster

Toward an Active California: Best Practices for People-Oriented Cities

Cities are working to improve walking, bicycling and transit options. The “All Ages and Abilities” approach uses bikeways that are physically separated from highspeed and high-traffic roadways.

Article Legal Notes Barbara Kautz

New Housing Laws Change How Cities Process Housing Applications

California’s new housing laws create additional requirements and new compliance rules for cities.

Article Features Jason Rhine

2017 Legislative Session Makes Many Changes to California Housing Law

Fifteen bills made it into the “Housing Package” that Gov. Jerry Brown signed, which includes the League’s “Blueprint for More Housing” legislation.

Article Features Dan Carrigg

It’s Time to Restore Opportunities for City Incorporation: The Roots of American Democracy

Obstacles to city incorporation should be removed to give communities the same option for self-government that existing cities had.

Article Executive Director's Message Carolyn Coleman

Celebrating Our Accomplishments — and Protecting Local Control

We have achieved important victories on behalf of cities this year on our strategic goals and in other areas.

Article Features Dan Sperling

Will Driverless Vehicles Create a Better Future?

The coming revolutions in electric, shared and automated vehicles present many potential scenarios.