Using programs ranging from truancy reduction to summer reading,
cities are taking unique and collaborative approaches to combat
summer learning loss and prepare students of all ages to return
Open library access can lead to dilemmas such as situations
involving patrons who bring in excessive amounts of personal
belongings and use the library as a temporary shelter.
The program offers an enjoyable way for children and adults to
learn organic gardening, be physically active, make smart food
choices and work together.
Significant positive developments for the League included the
adoption of a new economic development tool for lower-income
communities and the passage of a medical marijuana regulatory
bill package.
A crime-ridden trail spurred unhappy residents into action and
led to a collaborative effort involving a local nonprofit, the
city, school district and multiple agencies.
An International City/County Management Association report, Maximize the Potential of Your Public Library: A Report on the Innovative Ways Public Libraries Are Addressing Community Priorities,…